Sea Of Opportunity

Sea Of Opportunity

Sea Of Opportunity

Scene Detail #1

Scene Detail #1

Scene Detail #2

Scene Detail #2

Scene Detail #3

Scene Detail #3

Scene Detail #4

Scene Detail #4

Scene Detail #5

Scene Detail #5

Scene Detail #6

Scene Detail #6

Scene Detail #7

Scene Detail #7

Scene In Vue

Scene In Vue

Years ago I did a cityscape scene for a client. I ended up really enjoying the result but soon began to regret that I made it in a not so amazing resolution compared to todays standards. So then not long ago I started to give that old idea of a scene a new spin and get the most out of my now much more powerful machine. I ended up changing said old scene quite a bit. The scene was set up and rendered in Vue (free now). Rendering in 7500x7500 took roughly 112 hours. Small area re-renders not counted. So it was a beast. Postwork was realized through Photoshop. While not planning to go superdetailcrazy on the city I ended up doing exactly that. At least in some areas. Detail no one will ever see... but me. Also the square format was something I challenged myself a bit with. Originally I started with a more usual landscape format.

This pic is also a proud part of the 15th release of Project Aurora. This time we had "Freestyle" and everyone involved created something amazing. Feel free to check for some inspiration:

Wallpapers Here: