Mornings Beneath The Infinity Towers

Final Artwork

Final Artwork

100% Zoom Detail Capture #1

100% Zoom Detail Capture #1

100% Zoom Detail Capture #2

100% Zoom Detail Capture #2

100% Zoom Detail Capture #3

100% Zoom Detail Capture #3

100% Zoom Detail Capture #4

100% Zoom Detail Capture #4

100% Zoom Detail Capture #5

100% Zoom Detail Capture #5

Scene In Vue

Scene In Vue

"I dreamt of trenches. Hundreds of miles long and miles high. Pulsating with the energy of life and opportunites. Now what I see is something different. Waking up to the horns and sounds of the tower crawlers like they did to the church bells in the olden days." Unknown Writer - Infinity - 2733

Specific Info & Wallpapers:

7000x3784 - Vue - Photoshop - Lightroom