"The sheer scale of these monolithic structures is striking me down everytime. Their technology is fascinating and it's safe to say... very advanced. Yet we discovered all types of different designs, sense of aesthetics and materials that make us believe that some parts are created by different species. A collaborational effort for... what?"
Here we're approaching Columbus base. Although being a purely scientific effort, the base is protected by the military. Interests... you know? This time the military presence is stronger due to a scheduled test for today. With this entry I wanted to go into great detail and scale. Which, I think, I got right. I also used some of the terrains that are also available in my shop. *wink* Overall I'm very happy with this part of the series.
The series so far: https://www.artstation.com/tigaer/albums/79097
7500x3424 - Vue - Gaea - Photoshop - Lightroom