"We traveled along with the sunrise and soon arrive at our target location. Columbus Base was established years ago and countless scientists did some amazing research work at this installation. Specifically related to that one particular tower. They named it Santa Maria. We even get some extra military support for today. We want to try something on what seems to be an entrance of some kind. We're close. Something important. I can feel it!"
Imagine gliding between these giant towers. In and out of their shadows. In this dense atmosphere. What a sight it must be! Now we're moving the story along. This is what I would call a transition piece. Yet again I tried to challenge myself with the square format. Well, I'm not crazy about this piece (and it did undergo quite some changes during the creative process) but it serves its purpose perfectly fine. It gets us where we need to be. From a technical standpoint the scene was set up and rendered in Vue. Post work happened in Photoshop and Lightroom.
7500x7500 - Vue - Photoshop - Lightroom